- (760) 205-2136
- 24 Hour Availability
If you need commerciallocksmith services, contact us so we can send our 24/7 emergency locksmith to your location.
The price of a locksmith in your area will vary based on the where you are located, the kind of service required and the time of the day. On average, a simple service call will cost you between $50 to $100, while more complicated services like installing an entirely new lock or creating keys from scratch could cost up to $200.
The cost of hiring a locksmith could be worthwhile if require a professional to complete an exact task that isn’t possible to complete by yourself, like selecting a lock, or even creating new keys.
Locksmiths are able to create and cut a new duplicate key with no original key by using a key code machine. The machine creates a unique string of numbers and letters that represent the precise cuts that are made on a key. The key code is available from the manufacturer of the lock or making use of the key code cutting machine.
Locksmiths that have been in business a significant amount of time are generally considered to be reliable. But, it’s an excellent idea to confirm the credibility and qualifications of any locksmith you’re contemplating hiring. One of the easiest ways to do this is to read and look up reviews on sites like google, yelp and others. You can also check the BBB directory for more information.
Rekeying the lock is generally lower than the cost of replacing the lock, since it only requires altering the mechanism inside the lock, whereas replacing a lock is the process of the purchase and installation of a new lock.
The cost for getting keys unlocked may vary dependent on the kind of lock used, the condition of the lock and where the locksmith is located. A typical lockout can range from anywhere from $100 and up.
Rekeying locks is generally lower in cost than that of replacing them. Since rekeying is only about replacing the internal mechanisms of the lock it is usually more cost effective. Whereas replacing a lock is the process of buying and installing a brand new lock.
The cost to get the key unlocked can differ dependent on the kind of lock used, it’s overall condition and where the locksmith is located. Call today for a free estimate.
Some suggestions for deciding which locksmiths are reputable and worthy of you to hire include but are not limited to: confirming local reputation and credentials, getting an estimate written in writing, ensuring your locksmith’s insurance and requesting references.
A locksmith could verify the authenticity of your home by requesting proof of ownership and identification , for instance, a driver’s license or utility bill. Additionally they could call the number associated with the previous owner or tenant to confirm that you have permission to enter the premises.
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Contact Us
Store front location in Palm Desert
Locks Around the Clock
Indio, CA 92201
(760) 205-2136
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